Social Media in the Workplace

Social Media in the Workplace:
Social media has proven to be quite useful when it comes to increasing brand awareness and letting your product and services be known to target audiences. Many companies around the world use sites such as Facebook to let the world know what their company is all about. Why do they use social media? Because social media is an excellent form of communication.

As of September 2014:

  • 71% of online adults use Facebook
  • 23% of online adults use Twitter
  • 26% of online adults use Instagram
  • 28% of online adults use Pinterest
  • 28% of online adults use LinkedIn

Strengthening the Workforce:
As you can see from the statistics, social media is widely used by adults, especially Facebook. Employers should realize that such sites can strengthen the workforce. Learning the true meaning and purpose of social media can help you achieve company goals. If your company establishes rules for company posts, secures accounts, builds a company policy regarding posts and is aware of the many pitfalls of using sites such as Facebook and Instagram, you can definitely use social media to your advantage!

Using social media in the workforce shouldn’t be frowned upon, especially if employees are effectively using it. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn are all excellent free tools for creating awareness, and are most effective when used as an interactive tool between consumers and the company. Social networking is also a great way to let your followers/customers know about how a product works! Embrace social networking in the workplace today and you will be glad that you did!
