When you’re spending money on advertising, it is vital that every dollar leads to a result. Our specialist team are trained in the latest Google Ads management strategies to get more leads and sales for your business.
Our all-inclusive MyWork Convert package includes everything you need to start advertising online. From campaign set up and tracking, through to strategy and execution, we’re here to make the process of growing your business as easy as possible with our Google Ads Management services.
If you’re already running your own Google Ads, we’ll take a look at your account for free. Get actionable feedback on how your campaigns can improve, without the sales pitch.
Our Google Fundamentals package gets your website Google-ready. We’ll connect your site to all the most important Google services, and set up visitor tracking so you can monitor performance. These fundamentals are included by default in all our ongoing marketing solutions.
Make sure you've got the basics right
Google Analytics installation
Track every movement your visitors make with Google Analytics. Get all your most vital website statistics all in one place.
Google My Business account creation
Go beyond Google’s Organic Search with a Google My Business account. Show up on Google’s Map Results for customers nearby.
Sitespeed optimisation
Serve your website as quickly as possible with a Sitespeed Optimisation. Our technical team will ensure that your website is optimised and loads as quickly as possible.
Structured data markup
Help Google understand your website. We’ll pass on key information such as store location, opening hours, your business name, and homepage directly to Google.
Search console setup
We’ll submit a complete sitemap, notify Google about new pages for rankings purposes, request an immediate crawl of your website by Google’s robots, and connect the keyword and search data directly to your Google Analytics.
Conversion / ecommerce tracking
Perhaps the most important part of this entire package, we will set up Goal tracking code on your website that feeds directly into Google Analytics.
301 redirects
If you have an existing website, we’ll ensure that your existing website’s URLs correctly lead to the appropriate pages on your new site.
Website assessment
Your Digital Marketing Strategist will prepare a report outlining various suggestions for your marketing moving forward, helping you improve traffic and conversion rates.